What Are Paver Lights?

Paver lights enhance and add beauty to your paved area. Driveways, patios, walkways, garden pathway, and entrance’s to your home are all areas where pavers can be applied to. In between the edges of the pavers lighting fixtures can be installed. They will help guide you of a night time when the sun goes down and it becomes dark.

People tend to spend a lot of money on their landscaped gardens because they want the best of everything. But in doing so it only gets seen at night. Paver lighting is the perfect resolution you’ll be able to see the hidden beauty of your landscape garden of a night time. You will also be kept safe as the paver lighting will provide you with direction and guidance.

Driveways especially need some type of lighting of a night time to help guide you through to parking your vehicle in the right spot. They can also help prevent you from steering off the course of your driveway.

Walkways that are being used of a night time should have some sort of lighting to help guide people to their destination. Paver lighting is the best products to help make your landscape night safe.

Paver Lights

Paver lights can imitate the look of a normal paver. Their shapes are the same and textures can be matched to the one’s you already have in your landscape. They are made up of several components such as;

  • Light Fixture
  • Bases
  • Lenses
  • Transformer
  • Connectors

If you purchase a set of paver lights these materials are all included. You will also need cables to connect each light to a main power source.

Keeping the Landscape Night Safe

Paver lighting not only beautifies the area of a night time, they also protect and guide you, your family and welcomed guests for the dangers that can occur of a night time when you can not see where you are going.

Paver lighting can be installed just about anywhere throughout your landscaped paved area. They are placed in between pavers generally in every 4th or 5th space. These spaces are highly recommended by most retailers; otherwise they are to close or to far apart.

Timed Paver Lights

Each light is connected to one another and they are wired up to a main switch board. Paver lights can be set by timers which will make them only come on at a certain time which is chosen by you. This is a great advantage, if your out and returning home in the dark your timed pavers lighting will automatically be switched on helping and guiding you to being safe.

Solar Paver Lights

Solar paver lights are popularly used today throughout the world. One of the most important features of a solar powered paver light is that it requires no electricity, cutting your electricity bill in half. Solar powered paver lights are generated by pure sunlight. The sunlight charges up the special batteries that are inside the light.

The question most people ask is “What if there is no sun shine?” This is not a problem, solar powered paver lights do not need full sun to work efficiently. They will not be as bright as a fully charged light but they will still help keep you safe in your landscaped garden.

Now that you have this useful information on paver lighting visit a store near you and help protect and guide your family by providing safe lighting on your property!

Read more about Paver Lighting >>

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Paver Lights

Paver Lighting – if you haven’t heard of it yet, be on the look out because while pavers lights have been around since 1994, they are becoming quite popular! Now you might be asking yourself – paver lighting, is that like landscape night lighting? Well, sort of.

Most of us can recall a space that was a tad on the dark side. Think of the feelings that it brought up… Did you feel unsafe? Did you feel scared? Would a well lit path have helped make you feel more comfortable? Paver lighting is an excellent way to incorporate the benefits of traditional landscape night lighting without having to actually install lighting fixtures – which can also be an eyesore.

Paver lights are actually pavers that light up – they can be made of various types of materials and can be used in a wide variety of settings. They come in all shapes and sizes – just like normal pavers. Like actual pavers, paver lights are incredibly durable and have been known to withstand even the most difficult and harsh of climates. In addition to being able to withstand the elements, paver lights are physically durable in that they can be walked and driven on without suffering any damage.

Paver lighting is an excellent solution for pathways that are not well lit and the additional light could prevent any accidents from occurring. Thus, paver lights are an incredible solution for commercial properties. An interesting fact about paver lights is that they do not over-heat and are safe to touch. In that same thread, they create enough warmth to melt away snow or ice to increase visibility.

Paver lights are incredibly easy to install and economical to use because they are solar powered. Essentially, they are charged daily by the sun and when the sun sets, they then power themselves with the energy received through the day and light up all though out the night! Solar powered pavers will last about ten years – when they start to wear out, simply pop the paver out and replace it with a new lighting paver!

Because pavers are not held in place with concrete or mortar, paver lights can be added to paver projects that have already been completed. If you are looking for ways to add additional light to a space, or just want to add an element of safety to a specific area, then consider paver lights!

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Texture and Color of Pavers

Everyone wants a beautiful outdoor space, but it takes more than plopping down a few plants and adding a water feature to make it something unique and special. When redesigning a space there are many different elements that have to be considered. Perhaps the most important consideration is to determine the functionality and the use of the outdoor space. If you are working with an experienced landscaper, the contractor will work with you to determine how the space will be used. For example, are you in need of a sports court for your kids? How big of a BBQ space is desired? How far from the BBQ and cooking area would you like to have the seating area and patio? Would you have use for a fire pit?

In addition to having specific areas designated for your outdoor space the use of materials, colors and textures adds a dimension to the space that creates visual interest. This is one of the reasons why we feel that pavers are such a great solution for any outdoor space.

Pavers and the use of Color:

Because pavers come in a wide range of colors, selecting the perfect color can be a challenge. Consider the color scheme and overall structural feel of your home. Is your home more on the warm or cool side? Is it a ranch style home or does it have more of a Spanish or Modern feel? The answer can have a significant impact on what type of paver would be most appropriate for the space. While it is important to have pavers that work in harmony with your existing color palette, don’t be afraid to mix things up a bit! Pavers can also be used to add a punch of color to a space!

Here are some points to consider when choosing a paver color:

  • If your intention is to have a space that lends to a more natural feel and appears to blend in, consider pavers that are shades of brown or grey and have a slight variation in color. Pavers that are multidimensional in color appear more natural than pavers that have a solid color.
  • Consider if you want to make the space feel larger or smaller. Pavers that are lighter will make the space appear larger and pavers that are darker make a space appear smaller.

Pavers and the use of Texture:

What makes most spaces visually interesting is not only the use of color, but also the variation of textures. Pavers are a great way to add an extra dimension of texture to a space. Pavers can be more rough cut or they can be more smooth – the type of paver selected will entirely alter the feel of the space.

Here are some points to consider when evaluating the texture of a paver:

  • Pavers that are rough cut will lend a more natural feel in a space. Pavers that are smooth will appear more polished and intentional.
  • Consider how traffic will flow in the space. Pavers are naturally slip resistant but the degree of this can vary greatly upon the finish of the paver. If the area you are considering installing pavers in is a high traffic area then consider a paver that is more abrasive in texture.


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Tips on Fixing Pavers

As we have discussed in our previous blogs, one of the benefits of pavers is that if they become damaged, pavers are incredibly simple to replace and repair. This is largely due to the fact that they are not held in place by grout and mortar but by a special type of sand that works to hold the pavers in place by jointing them together. While pavers are incredibly durable, it is possible for them to crack or they could have a stain that can not be removed. While this could permanently damage a concrete driveway, pavers are easy to fix and offer no long term consequences.

If you have a paver that simply needs to be popped out and replaced, then this is most likely a task that you can take on yourself with a little bit of how to replace pavers research. However, other tasks can be a bit more challenging and could require the work of a professional. Below are a list of common paver repair services that if you find yourself in need of that you might just want to call a professional to have come and take care of for you.

These services include: repairing the paver curb, replacing loose pavers, seal coating (seal coat maintenance and crack sealing. While pavers are known for their longevity and durability, they will last even longer if they are properly cared for. Here are some tips to help you care for your pavers so that you can continue to enjoy the beauty that they bring.

  • After severe weather take a few moments to inspect your pavers, evaluate if any have been damaged or need to be replaced. Determine if more sand needs to be used for grouting.
  • On a regular basis care for your pavers by sweeping them or cleaning them with a pressure washer. If you clean with a pressure washer, take care not to hit the sand grout which will remove it.
  • If cracks appear in your pavers, replace the broken pavers before more become damaged.
  • Reseal your pavers on a regular basis, this will also protect your pavers from stains that will ruin them such as oil and grease.

In our last blog we spoke about the importance of sealing pavers, if you are unfamiliar with sealing then you might want to take a quick look. Essentially, sealing works as a barrier between the paver and any material that would alter the surface by staining it. In addition, it also adds an extra layer of protection. Unfortunately, it is not enough to just seal your pavers when they are first installed. This is something that should be done on a regular basis throughout the lifespan of the paver.

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To Seal Your Pavers or Not to Seal…

Throughout our blog you have heard us speak about the longevity of pavers, their durability as well as sustainability. Like any product, pavers will last substantially longer if they are taken care of. While pavers are relatively low maintenance, there are steps that one can take to insure that they have a long life and retain their beauty.

One of the ways to protect your pavers is by putting on a sealer. A paver sealer will help protect as well as assist in keeping them clean and extending their beauty for many years. Any easy way to think of paver sealer is to think of it as a type of protective coating – essentially an extra layer of protection. Therefore, if the paver become marred with oil or grease it is much easier to clean. As always, the paver can simply be popped out and replaced if the stain can not be removed.

In addition to the protective coating that sealers add to pavers, they enhance the look of a new paver driveway or walkway. Sealers give pavers a clear gloss type finish which also serves to enhance the natural colors of the pavers while at the same time creating a barrier of protection. While some homeowners may not see immediate value in sealing pavers, a sealer will increase the lifespan of your pavers and add to the overall beauty and color intensity of each paver.

With paver sealers, there are two main types of sealers: Film Formers and Penetrants. Film Formers create a glossy type finish on your pavers and protect your pavers by blocking water and other materials from effecting the integrity of the paver. Film Formers are often thought to enhance the color of the paver and prolong the “new paver look”.

The second type of sealer that is used in paver applications is known as “Penetrants”. Penetrants are a type of sealer that physically penetrates into the paver itself (approximately 1 to 4 mls deep). This type of sealer repels water and will help the paver resist against material that could stain. In addition, Penetrants will extend the life and beauty of your pavers as well as increase their durability.

So at this point you are probably thinking, “sealing my pavers sounds like a pretty good idea, but can sealers be used on all types of pavers?” To which we would say, excellent question! Sealers can be applied to pretty much any type of surface material. This even includes concrete, granite, slate, clay, natural stone, stamped concrete and block pavers. Sealers can be applied anywhere these materials are present – and you should. It doesn’t matter if you have a balcony that doesn’t see a whole lot of traffic – it should still be sealed!



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Tips for Hiring a Contractor

Depending on what your personal experience has been, hiring a contractor can either be a pleasant experience or something that is likely to bring up feelings of dread. Just like all other professions, there are good and bad contractors, the key is to find a good one. And once you do, as you know, they are worth their weight in gold! In this blog we are going to go over some of the pros and con’s of hiring a good contractor as well as give you some questions that would behoove you to ask. 

Having a good contractor install your pavers is equivalent to having good materials. If you take a bad contractor and good materials, you will most likely have a final product that you are not happy with. On the flip side, if you take a good contractor and bad materials, the same result is likely to be true as well. Hiring a good contractor to install your pavers and choosing reputable material will make all the difference in the end result of your project. In order to make a fully informed decision, you need to take the time to get to know your potential contractor and some vital questions. This process can make the difference of having a contractor that is finished on time, does not go over budget and also creates a beautiful finished product.

So you are probably thinking that this is all pretty common sense… Now we are going to give you some tips to help you find a contractor that is appropriate for you.

Tip #1

Ask the contractor how many years of experience they have. Speak to them about what types of jobs they worked on; ask them to supply you with a portfolio of their work. And always ask for three references of some of their most recent work. A reputable contractor should easily be able to speak to his experience as well as have some of his work documented. Beware of any contractor who is not willing to give references. 

Tip #2

Hiring a contractor is not the time to try to communicate that you both know and understand more of the project than what you actually do. Have the contractor explain each step of the process, this will ensure that you understand what is going on and that there are no surprises. Ask the contractor how draws will be set up; beware of anyone who asks for more than 10% of the total job up front before the contract is signed. While it may vary from state to state, most states only allow a contractor to ask for 10% of the total job before starting or $1,000.00 – which ever figure is lower.

Tip #3

Make sure that the contractor you are interviewing is licensed, bonded and insured. While a contractor that has all of these might be more expensive, you are ensuring that you are protecting yourself should anything happen.

Tip #4

Always have a contract. This one is simple.

Tip #5

If you receive a few bids from contractors for a specific project, don’t automatically rule out the highest bidder. Some contractors will leave loop holes in their contracts in order to further collect funds down the road. Make sure that each stage and what it will require is clearly outlined in the contract.

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Paver Walkways

Pavers for your Walkway…

In our last few blogs, we have explored not only the various types of pavers but also the wide variety of uses. As you have probably come to conclude; pavers are incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of locations and have many benefits. In this blog, we are going to put the spotlight on walkway pavers, how they can be used as well as what benefits they bring.

The use of pavers for a walkway…

As we have already addressed, pavers can be used in a wide variety of locations and they fit well for both residential and commercial purposes. Pavers are commonly used for patios, courtyards, decks surrounding a pool, garden pathways, walkways and much more. Because pavers now come in an array of colors, textures and styles, they are now increasing in their use because of all the design styles and options that are available. Because of all the paver colors that are available, home owners as well as commercial property owners are able to now match new pavers with existing materials such as roofing and stucco.

Pavers can be installed virtually anywhere, many times people have a footpaths that have been carved out over time as people have stomped their way to the BBQ or gazebo. Instead of having a pathway carved out of dead grass, why not create a paver walkway?

Pavers are the perfect solution to create a pathway that depending on the type of material used, can be more organic in appearance, or make more of a statement. Pavers are an elegant way to add texture and create interest to any area. Pavers are a great solution for any space that receives a high amount of foot traffic for many reasons. First and foremost, they are by nature slip resistant – pavers are a much safer solution than slippery concrete or a muddy pathway.  For commercial properties specifically, this feature alone is a huge advantage.  Now, this might seem pretty basic, but walkways serve a few basic functions. They direct the flow of traffic, essentially, if you don’t want people to wander through your flower beds, then create a walkway that directs them to an area where the flowers can be admired – but not trampled. In addition to providing direction for people, walkways insure individual safety for people.

If you want to highlight the beauty of your walkway or if you just want to provide an extra element of safety, then walkway lighting can be used. Landscape night lighting is a beautiful way to highlight the features of your outdoor space and accentuate it – even at night. As you can see, the possibilities with paver walkways are endless! They can be curved, linear, organic or more noticeable in appearance. That is the beauty of pavers, pavers unleash a wide variety of options and selections!

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An Array of Pavers

It is grey, drab, slippery and dull – and unfortunately it covers most of the solid surfaces around our home and commercial properties. If you guessed that we are talking about concrete then you are correct! Unbeknown to us, concrete is one of the most commonly used materials – we can assume that it is because it is efficient and economical. However, that is pretty much where it stops because we all know that concrete after a few years tends to not look so hot. Many people are now tearing out their concret and replacing it with pavers, because people are finding out that the benefits are far greater than concrete!

Many people when exploring the world of pavers tend to only give themselves a couple of options. Most people have seen clay brick pavers, concrete pavers and cobblestones. However, what they don’t know is that there are literally dozens of pavers to choose from and they would be severely limiting themselves if they didn’t explore beyond what they were familiar with. Exploring beyond traditional pavers is the goal in this blog! So grab a coke and explore the beautiful options that pavers will give you!

Granite Isn’t Just For Your Counter Tops!

So most of us know that granite is famous for being a material that is known for it’s strength and essentially has a reputation for being indestructible. Bottom line, if you want to re-do your driveway or walkway for the last time – granite pavers are the way to go! Granite pavers have a reputation for being able to last for several decades. While we can’t say they will last forever because nothing does, they are the closest thing to that! Granite has been a popular choice for artists and stonemasons for hundreds of years. This is because it comes in a wide range of colors – everything from pure white to the darkest black! The options for granite pavers are virtually endless.

Travertine – Not Just For Tile!

If you have always wanted to invoke a feel of Italy or Turkey in your outdoor space then travertine is the perfect material for it is quarried in both places. Travertine comes in a wide range of color options and can be found in shades ranging from a creamy beige, to a peachy pink, a beautiful golden yellow, a stunning walnut and a scabas-red. Travertine pavers are especially popular to use around areas that see “bare-foot” traffic. The reason for this is because travertine does not increase in temperature with exposure to the sun – essentially it will stay cool and not burn your feet no matter how warm it becomes! In addition to staying cool under your feet, travertine is largely popular because it requires no maintenance or cleaning. Many times people ask how durable travertine is, well, the Colosseum is made out of travertine and it is still in pretty good shape!

Bluestone –More Than Just Stone That Is Blue!

Bluestone is a beautiful type of sandstone that as you’re probably guessed, comes in a beautiful bluish-gray color. Bluestone is a very durable and versatile type of stone. The color tone is determined by the depth of which it is quarried. The deeper it is quarried, the more intriguing the colors will be.

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Paver Driveways

It’s about 3:00am and you are sound asleep, suddenly you are awaken by a rumbling noise – then, you notice that the room is shaking and you can faintly hear things fall off shelves and crashing to the floor in other rooms. Could it be? Yes, an earthquake. And unfortunately for you, your newly poured concrete driveway will also fall victim to this earthquake and have hideous fractures and cracks to prove the existence of the earthquake that so rudely awoke you in the night. If only you had chosen pavers, then you would not be facing having to rip out yards upon yards of concrete and essentially dealing with the hassle of construction all over again. 

The use of pavers are quickly becoming a very popular choice of materials for many reasons, as you probably guessed from our short story above, one of the primary reasons for their popularity is that pavers simply will not crack. Pavers do not crack because of the way that they are installed. In contrast to brick driveways or concrete driveways, pavers are held in place by a special type of sand. This sand allows the pavers to move ever so slightly in response to earth’s movement as well as extreme changes in the climate. Because concrete is a solid form, when any type of earth movement happens or if there are extreme changes in the climate, there is no way for the concrete to move or expand with this pressure. As a result, cracks are formed to release the tension in the material.

If you live in a region that freezes on a regular basis, special care must be taken when originally installing the pavers. For example, climate as well as the type of soil that the pavers are being laid upon determines how thick the layer of sand base should be. Areas that see a drop in temperatures that have a clay or silt base require that a thicker base of sand be used. In contrast, areas that are warmer and do not freeze require less of an initial base.  

One of the beautiful aspects of pavers is that they come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and styles. Choosing a type of paver can be a difficult decision simply because of the vast options that are available. A popular choice for driveway pavers are concrete pavers, when properly installed and maintained, concrete pavers can last up to twenty years. If you are looking for a type of material that is more durable and will withstand longer tests of time, they stone pavers or brick pavers might be the best option. Again, when installed correctly, these two types of pavers can last far beyond twenty-five years.

Our goal at Paver Search is to help individuals understand the various options that come with pavers. If you have any questions as to if pavers are the right material for you, we invite you to explore our website and see for yourself if pavers are the right fit for your construction project!

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Paver Walkways

Imagine that you have a either a beautiful home or a stunning commercial space with a sidewalk that winds around the front entrance to the structure. All around this sidewalk are beautiful roses, flowers and hedges – it seems almost as if it is a trail winding into an enchanted garden. Until you look down that is, then it is just a mess of cracked concrete that is ugly, grey and completely without character. This is where the help and aesthetic beauty of pavers would come in handy.

Typically in our previous blogs we have discussed various uses and applications of pavers which include: paver pool patios, paver driveways, backyard paver patios, paver landscape curbing and paver landscape seating. What we really haven’t put a spotlight on is how pavers can add texture, color and beauty to what used to be old beaten walkways.

Typically, the types of pavers that are used for paver walkways are concrete pavers, natural stone pavers and brick pavers. When using concrete pavers, in contrast to natural stone pavers and brick pavers, the options for colors, sizes and shapes are nearly endless because they are manufactured to meet a wide array of design taste and styles. While some designers prefer the options that are available with concrete pavers, many still prefer the texture and aesthetic look of natural stone pavers. While natural stone pavers do not come in as many colors, shapes and sizes, the completely natural and “earthly” look is something that other pavers can not compare with.

While the instillation of pavers does tend to run higher than simply pouring concrete, pavers will not only give an aesthetic beauty that concrete can not, but pavers will last much longer than concrete – thus making it a wise investment. While some pavers cost more than others, if you are concerned that pavers may be out of your financial budget, then don’t let that stop you! Your contractor should be able to work with you to help you find a paver that will not only meet your physical needs, but your budget as well as your requirements for beauty.

A huge benefit of walkway pavers that many people neglect to factor in is that pavers by nature are naturally slip resistant. That means no more shuffling down walkways to avoid awful falls! In addition, if for some reason your paver becomes cracked or stained, it is very easy to simply pop the paver out and replace it with a brand new one! Unlike concrete, you don’t have to live with an awful demarcation forever! The benefits of pavers go on and on, obviously we are a huge fan of them and because of how durable and versatile they are – pavers are quickly becoming the craze!

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